Page 52 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
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A Year in the

AUTUMN: The RARA year begins with the AGM in typically scheduled around this time of year and last
year brought them to Westport, where they enjoyed 3
October,when new committee members are nominated days at the Castle Court Hotel, exploring and relaxing.
and past, present and future plans are discussed. Ideas Another regular event is a coffee morning in aid of Our
and suggestions for outings are announced at each Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross, which is a very worthy
subsequent meeting and if an event is deemed worthy, charity and close to the hearts of many members.
a committee member (or two) takes on the task of
organising; booking, transport etc. WINTER: We all try to stay indoors during the winter

The Autumn season starts with a bang as members months but a day trip to Newbridge or Rathwood is
head into the city for lunch at the Shelbourne Hotel. a regular necessity for a little pre-Christmas retail
A night on the town is next and this year it was Paddy therapy. The highlight of the year is the Christmas
Cole at the National Concert Hall and West Side Lunch which is always popular and very well attended.
Story at the Bord Gais Theatre. A few days away are Last year it was held at Finnstown House in Lucan

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