Page 45 - Active Retirement Ireland 2015_
P. 45
It was yet another ST. MARK’S
successful outing for this SILVER SURFERS,
group, who have been all TALLAGHT,
over the country on their DUBLIN 24
travels in recent years.

Nenagh was next on the itinerary with the first stop Formed on St. Valentine’s Day, 2011, in St Marks
at Nenagh Castle, a national monument and the finest GAA Club in Tallaght, the Silver Surfers were the 70
example of a cylindrical keep in Ireland. There the retired residents of Tallaght West who formed an
guide outlined the history of this old building and many active retirement association for their peers in their
members climbed the 102 steps to the viewing platform community. They affiliated to and became the 520th
at roof level to see a magnificent view of Tipperary and branch of Active Retirement Ireland.
its surrounding counties.
As an over 50s club they aim to promote a healthy
Just across the road from the castle, stands Nenagh and active lifestyle for the over 50s and retired
Heritage centre, located in two stone Georgian buildings persons in the local community through their mission
which were once a jail, and later a convent. Housed in to offer their members and the older people within
these buildings were models of Ireland’s past and in the and outside Tallaght an opportunity to participate in
Gatehouse, members heard the story of the execution of a programme of activities that maintain health and
the Cormack brothers and visited the condemned cells. well-being in a positive way.

After some refreshments in the Abbey Court Hotel, the They promote a positive and healthy outlook to
coach travelled to Tuam, where the day was brought ageing and retirement through their programmes
to a close with an excellent dinner. It was yet another of physical, social, cultural, learning and informative
successful outing for this group, who have been all over activities, and they have a full programme of events
the country on their travels in recent years. for their members from Monday-Friday each week.

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