Page 2 - Graypvine - Gray Inc. April 2023
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Safety                              Stephen Gray said something to me during a safety

                                                                  situation involving one of our customers’ contractors.
                               with Jim Grant                     He said, “you may not always have authority, but
                               Vice President, Safety
                               Gray, Inc.                         you can always have influence.” One of Gray, Inc.’s
                                                                  guiding principles states that as LEADERS you are
            Your Safety Influence                                 the lifeblood of Gray. Everyone is a leader that defines,
              As the Gray family of companies have grown and      protects, and grows our culture.
            executed larger and more sophisticated projects and     We recognize that with the sheer size and number
            businesses, our safety program has evolved. This is   of workers, management cannot be everywhere
            due to our focus and personal pride in our number one   all the time. Your safety influence with people
            core value: We put safety and quality of life first,   goes beyond holding them accountable for rules
            and by achieving our goal that everyone that comes to   and regulations. It also stresses the importance
            work, goes home free of injury every day.             of executing our points of control, which are set
      2       It is impressive how strong our safety culture has   to help us lead and manage safety not only for
            become. Particularly by how our team members,         Gray and our customers but to support our trade
            whether involved or not in the actual day to day      partners and their workers. Points of control are
            construction of our projects, have stepped into a safety   any influence opportunity that we have to talk,
            role when needed. This is an example of Operationally   plan and work towards control of our risks. These
            Led Safety – when team members recognize a safety     points of control – such as GSA’s, pre-award and
            issue, either on a project, in the office, at home or in   preconstruction meetings – present an opportunity
            public and resolve safety concerns. This reinforces   to provide a positive influence towards our safety
            the idea that every one of us plays a role in safety;   efforts. These meetings are the first opportunity to
            including Gray’s safety success and culture.          influence and set safety expectations for working with
              The fact that our team members can identify a safety   Gray. Other opportunities include sending a positive
            issue and feel comfortable enough to speak up to      safety message at our jobsite-wide safety meetings
            get it corrected speaks volumes about our culture.    and building relationships with workers by using our

             Safety Statistics                                    Commitment to Safety

            All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2023

                                0     Fatality                                             Madison Crutchfield
                                                                                           Administrative Assistant
                                2         (Disabling Accidents)                            2 years, 1 month with Gray
                                                Recordable Accident
                               11               (Off Work, Limited Work,
                                                and No Lost Time)

                       59                31                       "Whether on the jobsite or in the
                                                                  office, I understand and accept
              Near Miss / Property Damage  First Aid / Injury but not recordable
                                                                  the responsibility to comply with
            A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of
            incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase   Gray procedures that have been
            the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above
            is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of   established for my safety, as well as
            the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic
            incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at   my team members."
            least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded
            regardless of whether medical attention was required or not.
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