Page 7 - Graypvine - Gray Inc. April 2023
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We are currently designing several mixed-use                        AD Process Engineering
        developments, warehouses and school buildings.                        with Jon Nordrum
        Also, we are continuing to further our relationships                  Vice President of Operations
        with several national retail brands, and lately we have
        grown in the market of self-storage facilities. Over the
        past year we have designed 54 car wash buildings        Recently, I had the opportunity to reflect on some of
        and 14 self-storage facilities.                       the “goings on” at AD Process Equipment. This is no
          Recently we have welcomed structural designer       short list of items, and all represent the commitment
        Joshua Morris to our team, and we are congratulating   from the local team to drive the culture and the
        our long-time office manager Cathy Burns on her       business to a healthy, vibrant place.
        well-deserved retirement.                               Through some of that reflection, there have been no
          We’re on track for this year to be even more        lack of challenges over the last several months. On
        successful than the last. I’m grateful to our         the engineering, project management and production
        hardworking team and to our fantastic customers.      side, there has been diligent management of legacy
                                                              projects (some very large in scope) and many extra     7
                         Ohio Valley                          hours to keep jobs on track. These same efforts have
                         with Steve Renshaw                   also provided opportunities to partner with other
                         President                            companies within Gray to achieve our customer
                                                              objectives and strengthen relationships. We’ve also
                                                              seen significant activity working with the sales team
          When we share our core value “We are customer       on new projects, and the funnel of requests coming
        and relationship driven,” it is usually best told as a   in have resulted in some very nice pending orders
        story of people reflecting on a special place and time   and an opportunity list that is sizable and includes
        at Gray where someone did something unforgettable.    expected wins. YES!!
        A timely act of kindness, going the extra mile,         The team at ADPE has also been busy on the
        or a special project that says wow…that was a         Controls and Panels side. Over the course of a few
        great team.                                           days and a weekend, they recently managed to
          A past customer relationship that is leading to a nice   move the entire panel shop operation and supporting
        project for Gray Ohio Valley in 2023 is with Kentucky   activities from the Plainfield, Illinois location to the
        Eagle. In April, we are starting the expansion to a   Naperville, Illinois location. This great milestone
        building designed and built by Gray. The original     consolidates all the functions for ADPE under one
        team, which included Gary Hisel as architect and      roof – taking advantage of capacity, one-on-one
        Patrick McCowan as the project manager did a great    interactions, and the synergy from everyone being at
        job. Tate Russell, President of Kentucky Eagle, smiled   one site. It’s notable as well that all this activity took
        as she shared stories of the enjoyable work done      place during a time of heavy workload, which really
        together with the Gray team. We will continue that    exemplifies the amount of planning and commitment
        success on our project.                               to the task from this team.
          Thanks to everyone for building the friendships       There is a saying in respect to teams: new team
        and excellent results with our customers; they have   member, new team. Just after the Christmas holiday,
        returned for more business with us in 2022 and        Neil O’Mara joined ADPE in the leadership role of   Company
        2023. These repeat customers include Wild Turkey,     Business Unit Director. Neil joins ADPE with a great   updates
        Amazon, New Albany Fire Station, Toyota Boshoku,      deal of industry experience, but something that     continued
        and Camping World.                                    stands out about Neil is his approach to people,    on next
                                                              and his commitment to ADPE. Neil just moved from
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