Page 8 - Graypvine - Gray Inc. April 2023
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the greater Phoenix area to Plainfield, and is now a new level of contribution of the capabilities of
on site in Naperville 100% of the time. He hit the our teams, identify best practices, and create new
ground running, and quickly became an asset to the growth/ leadership opportunities for our individual
Naperville team. team members. We call this E3 Teams.
In closing, when reflecting on the “goings on,” Lastly, we created a new Director of Project
and noting some of the points above, I think the Management role, created to drive procedural
perseverance, dedication and commitment the group excellence while providing leadership, training,
is demonstrating is amazing. ADPE has found ways and status reporting of active projects across the
to embrace change, and use it to drive improvement. company. Mike Poterek is now working with project
They are creating the foundation needed to drive a teams, office directors, and company leaders to
business and a culture that provides great things deliver projects in compliance with the company
and longevity for customers and team members. workflow and defined project success criteria. Note
Their work is something to be proud of, and their that this role is in alignment with one of Gray’s primary
future is something to be optimistic about. I am very objectives of delivering on projects under execution-
8 appreciative to witness and participate in the “goings fundamentals of project management.
on” at ADPE.
Anderson Dahlen
InLine Engineers with Tom Knoll
with Gary Sisler President
I want to update everyone on some initiatives
With five months of Fiscal Year 2023 now behind underway here at Anderson Dahlen (ADI). As you
us, we are tracking slightly above our target for may know, there is a concerted effort to engage with
incoming orders. Our business within the Gray family the other Gray companies to build relationships and
of companies is down significantly as compared to educate each other on what our individual companies
FY22 and as a result, we have been placing additional do best and how we can work together as a team.
focus on both growing our heritage business and We recently hosted a group with representatives
developing new InLine customers. from Inline Engineering, Gray Solutions, Spencer
As a next step in our Cohesive Teams Initiative, Bristol, and AD Process Equipment to tour our
InLine partnered with Horizon Performance and facility and help them gain a better understanding
conducted a 3D Organizational Assessment of our of what products and services we can provide in
company. Our mission is to continue our growth and supporting future projects. This is the latest in a
position InLine for organizational success through series of meetings to collaborate on how the Gray
the delivery of world-class services that create a companies can present themselves to the market
competitive advantage for our customers. Through and work together as a cohesive team capable of
internal feedback from a survey of InLine employees, supporting customer projects from start to finish.
we have: This initiative is being led by Jeff Manion at Gray, with
• Completed a new Strategic Plan for our Perry Henderson representing ADI and moving this
organization and are communicating the plan initiative forward.
company-wide. Other notable projects underway include our
• Developed a number of ‘communities of practice’ Engineering Excellence Project led by Stuart
among our technical groups which will encourage Shakespeare. This program is helping us develop