Page 20 - Graypvine March 2022
P. 20

Quality                             partner plans we will be able to focus on our three

                                                                  big audit and inspection points: First of Kind (FOK),
                               with Trey Griffith
                               Director, Quality                  interim and final.
                                                                    We must continue the effort started on QI’s (Quality
                                                                  Impact). Some of you may have done one of these
              As we start off a new calendar year with hopes of   in the past, some may not. This is a measurement
            the supply chain issues coming to a halt, I wanted to   tool that we are using in quality to determine several
            take some time to talk about the growth we had in     things. One for example is the overall cost of quality,
            quality over the past year. I’ll also touch on how we   not only for us but for our trade partners as well.
            plan to move forward with momentum into this new      We are only successful if our trade partners are
            year. As mentioned, we have had our struggles with    successful. This tool will also allow us to establish
            material shortages – which is still going on – but with   focus areas in training and education, depending on
            all of that we have persevered through these tough    repetitive items.

     20     waters to maintain schedule and most importantly                  “The biggest improvement I
            to keep safety first. We have done all this while
            delivering a top quality product. We have had to get          have seen over the past year is
            creative with some solutions with “temp roofing,”
            long term storage, and epoxy joint fillers, just to        COMMUNICATION ON QUALITY!
            name a few. But the biggest improvement I have               Phone calls, emails, and quality
            seen over the past year is COMMUNICATION ON
            QUALITY! Phone calls, emails, and quality impacts         impacts were pouring in over the
            were pouring in over the past year with issues and      past year with issues and potential
            potential solutions, and I wanted to take a moment         solutions, and I wanted to take a
            to say THANKS! You have done a great job with this,
            and we need to build on this to take quality to the                 moment to say THANKS!”
            next level.
              So what does “the next level of quality” look like?   Lastly but certainly not least we have a new
            To me, it’s consistency! Consistency in several areas,   software we are using for our inspections and audits
            which includes mock-ups for example. We must put      that will allow us to change the approach of auditing
            a focus on mock-ups as we move forward – setting      and how we are doing them. More to come on
            that expectation for our trade partners and our       that in the future but our goal in quality is still and
            customers is key to the success of any project. We    always will be “it’s more about audit timing and the
            must gain consistency in trade partner site specific   quality within, than the number of audits” and we are
            quality plans. We must get better on this objective.   excited about the opportunities that Procore is going
            We need these plans from our trade partners to help   to offer to help us in this effort. Without a doubt I
            us better manage the overall quality of our projects.   feel strongly that first time quality and top quality, or
            Our goal is to get these plans and then simply hold   however you want to say it, is achieved through the
            our trade partners accountable for following that     “why.” We must educate the why we do what we do
            plan, instead of pushing them to do quality our way.   to get to an understanding of how we do something
            While this will have variation between trade partners,   right. We plan on focusing more in this area through
            it will create consistency amongst our projects for   Quality Minutes and videos, and getting them more
            the overall quality of product we put in place. This is   accessible on jobsites.
            one of the ways we are tying back into the message      All in all I’m excited for the opportunities of a
            from Brian and Patrick on “what got us here won’t     new year and I hope you are as well. We have a
            get us where we are going” from the annual meeting.   lot of work ahead of us but through our combined
            We need to be able to do a little more with less; this   commitment, good communication and the tools we
            is how we do it on the jobsite. By managing trade     now have, quality is going to the next level.
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