Page 16 - Graypvine March 2022
P. 16

Gray Gives Back continued from page 15

            Owens Corning Project                                 Clerk. “We are a small group but we did really well
              “Our team and subcontractors at the Owens           at collecting toys, food and monetary donations.
            Corning Project raised $1,043 and presented this      We collected two large boxes of toys and three to
            money to a mother and her two small children at our   four large boxes of food to make the holidays a little
            All Hands Safety Meeting on December 14th,” said      brighter for others.
            Tammy King, Document Clerk. “She currently works        These donations will be used to help out local
            at Walmart trying to raise her two boys and had a lot   families in need that are nominated by local churches,
            of hardships this year.”                              schools and other organizations in the area. This is
                                                                  the 53rd year for this program and it is always an

            Nestlé Purina Green Acres                             honor to be able to help. These items will all be put
              “Our site team at Nestlé Purina Green Acres         together for Christmas boxes, by the local police &
            participated in community involvement with the        fire departments and other volunteers, to be given to
            Clermont County Job & Family Services Adopt-a-        the families.”

     16     Child Program,” said Joe Schmiade, Safety Manager.    Project Sunrise
            Team members collected gifts to give to children in
            the community.                                          “Every year our Gray jobsites try to find a local
                                                                  organization in the area that could use a little help

            Amazon Charlottesville, VA                            during the holiday season and beyond,” said Site
              “Our Amazon project team in Charlottesville,        Manager Tim Bair, who is currently working on Project
            Virginia participated in a toy drive along with the   Sunrise. “While talking to a few folks onsite I was
            local NAWIC (National Association of Women in         made aware of Boys Farm.”
            Construction) chapter,” said Stephanie Crane, Senior    The Project Sunrise team collected $2,000 in
            Administrative Assistant.                             donations to help boys who are in foster care and
                                                                  experiencing difficult family situations in Greenville

            PDX081                                                and Columbia, South Carolina. The donations are
              “Out here at PDX081 in Hermiston, Oregon, we        used for trips to the zoo, amusement parks and
            finished up our efforts for the local toy and food    camping, as well as general needs like clothing and
            drive,” said Roxi Belle, Aerotek Provided Document    personal items.

            Team members on the Owens Corning project collected presents and donations during a December 2021 All Hands Safety Meeting.
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