Page 14 - Graypvine March 2022
P. 14
14 The Nestlé Purina Green Acres site team collected gifts for the local Adopt-a-Child Program. Pictured: Tommy Logsdon, David Eul, Corey Steele, Daryl Brangers, Greg Jones, Jeff
Milbrath, Doug Henry, Mike Hunt, Robert Keller, Troy Williford, Aaron Gizara, and Will Daniel.
Gray members have in Lexington are not forgotten during the holiday
Gray team
season. As Kathleen pointed out, about 60 percent
Gives a long history of of local nursing home residents don’t have visitors
throughout the year. is Many senior citizens live on
generosity, and
Back this past holiday a fixed income and need basic toiletry and comfort
season we saw
items, and receiving a gift of those items can bring
them helping out
“I put a lot of thought into what I am giving – I
in the communities them a lot of joy.
where they work and live. From individuals in the office, try to consider the best way to make them feel
to project teams on jobsites, an overwhelming number comfortable,” said Kathleen, who enjoys donating to
of our team members chose to support people and Silver Bells each holiday season. “I always buy a soft
programs who would really benefit. Here’s a list of just throw, some hand cream and lotions, large print word
a few ways our team members decided to give back at search and crossword books, pencils, large erasers
the end of 2021. and pencil sharpeners, an adult coloring book and
colored pencils, chapstick and a nice soft scarf that
Silver Bells they can use to keep drafts away.”
“I absolutely love this program,” said Kathleen
Ratliff, Administrative Manager. “I feel like there’s a Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass Family
lot of attention given to making sure a child gets a Each year, Accounting contacts BBBS of the
Christmas gift, and it’s absolutely important that a child Bluegrass and they find a family who is in need of
get a gift at Christmas. But, I believe seniors can be help for gifts for Christmas,” said Whitley Sowell,
forgotten too easily; this season can be very hard on Accounting Manager. “We ‘adopt’ the family and
them, especially if they have lost a lot of loved ones provide them gifts for the kids and parents to open
and are perhaps one of the last immediate family on Christmas morning. We also provide a gift card to
members left.” Kroger for a meal. We do this in lieu of gifts to each
The Silver Bell program, created by the Nursing other to share our blessings with a family in need.
Home Ombudsman Agency of the Bluegrass, was This past year we helped a family with four kids (girl
set up with the goal of making sure senior citizens 14, girl 15, boys age 11).”