Page 10 - Graypvine March 2022
P. 10
Gray Construction
Annual Meeting
With the new year upon us, we can’t help but and command of Joint Special Operations, he also
reflect on all the tremendous accomplishments delivered a strong charge to each of us, saying:
in FY21. The Annual Meeting in December at “Lead the change… leadership is not about the
Keeneland was the perfect time for us to do this. superficial things; it’s about the effect you have
Thankfully, many of us were able to be in person! It on the people who serve with you.”
was so refreshing to see many faces come together Also, during the Gray, Inc. portion, Scott Parker,
and reflect on the past, celebrate successes, and CFO of Gray, Inc., provided financial performance
see what’s in store for the future. touting the strength of our markets and services.
Stephen Gray, president & CEO of Gray, Inc. He, along with Susan Brewer, chief people officer,
began the day reinforcing the phenomenal growth offered up a recap of the ESOP including Gray’s
and achievements across all Gray companies commitment to it, how it operates, and opportunities
pointing out how we’ve been fortunate to have to learn more about it this year.
had remarkable financial growth once again. He Stephen and Scott walked through the Gray, Inc.
openly admitted that this success would be hard to business plan and highlighted the newly coined
sustain without: Values, Culture, Leadership, and Purpose of Gray, Inc.: “Our purpose is to guide and
Cohesive Teams. grow a family of exceptional companies built on
Our special guest speaker, General Stanley trust and enduring relationships, partnering with the
McChrystal shared a powerful message focusing on world’s best companies.”
teams and leadership saying, sometimes you have The Gray Construction Purpose Statement, which
to change the process to get the job done right. many companies within the Gray family of brands
Conveying his experience as a U.S. Army general have adopted, has also now become the Gray,