Page 5 - Graypvine March 2022
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of District 2. The team constructed greenhouses We recently won an additional data center campus
to assist in educational opportunities for the in Columbus, Ohio with our primary customer. Gray’s
neighborhood youth. These greenhouses provide success in the Columbus data center market can
a space for local kids to learn hands-on science be directly linked to our second core value: We are
and how to cultivate plants, flowers, and food. customer and relationship driven. The Columbus site
This project also allows those children to learn and project management teams continue to work as
entrepreneurial skills by selling their food at local a cohesive team to deliver unforgettable customer
farmers markets and flowers to area florists. The experiences and great projects.
Gray team is also working with the City of Detroit as This Mission Critical team is excited to kick
they begin the construction of their $15MM transit off the new year with new growth and new
center on an adjacent parcel. In the coming months opportunities ahead!
the Amazon Robotics and Deployment teams will
mobilize, bringing all of the main stakeholders to the Distribution &
project. With TCO and Launch right on our heels, it Commercial 5
will be a race to the finish as the team prepares for with Rodney Carpenter
final closeout in the Spring. Vice President, Distribution
Finally, we recently signed the contract for a Chick- & Commercial Market
fil-A project and our team took a photo on a red We finished 2021 strong and the outlook for
couch to mark the occasion. 2022 looks even brighter. Our teams continue
to battle cost escalations on our projects plus a
Mission Critical challenging climate to procure and secure delivery
The start of a new year is the perfect time to of construction materials, while continuing to be
reflect. Reflect on the previous year’s successes and diligent in minimizing the impacts of the evolving
challenges and look forward to beginning the new global pandemic to our job sites. The day-to-day
year reenergized and excited. Taking the lessons tests we face to execute our projects seem to keep
we have learned and building on the success of coming and our project teams are resilient in their
2021, the Mission Critical team is looking forward to execution. Certainly, these are difficult times for even
another exciting year of growth and opportunity. the most experienced teams.
In the last few months, we have added five new It is a busy time for our teams working on
team members to the Mission Critical team. As the the distribution front. In November we started
Mission Critical and Advanced Technology markets construction on a 320,000 s.f. cross-dock
continue to grow, we are committed to growing our warehouse for FedEx in Jonesboro, Arkansas.
teams to support the ever evolving demands of our This facility will blend both ground and express
customers – both current and future. operations into one building. We were recently
In addition to growing our project teams, we are awarded another project for Publix Super Markets.
also actively pursuing the growth of our customer Our design teams have been working hard to
base. We’re proud to partner with Barton Malow provide an innovative solution for a new Ready To
on Ford’s BlueOval SK Battery Park project in Eat (RTE) facility. Through collaboration with the
Kentucky. The team is looking forward to this new Publix team, we have taken items from prior similar Company
opportunity with a new customer. We look forward projects to provide an optimized and more efficient updates
to sharing more about this exciting project in future design for the Fresh Kitchen project to be built in continued
on next
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