Page 3 - Graypvine March 2022
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Gray Construction Updates
culture. Our projects have grown, our project teams
Gray Construction have grown, and we will continue to see this kind of
with Patrick McCowan growth as we keep working toward our 2030 vision.
Chief Operating Officer Our job as leaders is to give each of you the tools
necessary to ensure you make the right decisions.
Happy New Year! What a year we endured in We will all learn more about servant leadership and
2021. Not only did we grow in number of our Gray hear how empowering our project teams to make
Family, but we also won, put a ton of work in place, the best decisions for our customers, our projects,
and had the opportunity to come together for our and our teams is going to keep us on track to hit
company meeting for the first time in almost two our goals.
years! In the next year, we will continue to grow our I hope each of you will start thinking about what 3
people both by adding to teams to ensure we have servant leadership means to you and talk amongst
enough manpower to successfully execute projects, your teams and with your leaders about it. We have
and with training opportunities to provide each come a long way in the past five years, even in the
of you the chance to continue to grow personally last two years; but we must continue to learn and
and professionally. grow together, to keep the momentum up as we
As Brian announced at the company meeting, prepare for more growth opportunities ahead. I look
we will spend the next few years optimizing. During forward to another year of great projects and great
this time, we are going to focus on mapping teamwork with all of you!
out and aligning the systems we use within the
operations group, with great focus given to how
they support, integrate and align with the rest of Central Business Unit
Gray’s technology ecosystem. We have realized that with Steve Summers
in order for us to be the cohesive team we strive Executive Vice President
to be, we have to find ways to work together and
standardize our processes. Recently, the operations Gray has completed construction on the Distillery
team launched a project we are calling the “Perfect in Lebanon, Kentucky and Diageo is producing
Project Playbook.” This playbook will be a guide for Bulleit Bourbon. We are substantially complete
our project teams to reference on some of the key with the DDG Dry House and equipment start-
elements of their day-to-day: safety, SIF, schedules, up and commissioning is ongoing. We have
team organization, site logistics, and more. The goal completed construction of four barrel storage
here is to provide consistency across all our jobsites, warehouses and Diageo has filled warehouse #1
much like we have strived to do in all of our offices. with bourbon barrels. Diageo awarded Gray three
We are working hard to get back to the basics, to additional warehouses and sitework has begun,
get everyone on the same page again, using the meanwhile wetland mitigation permitting is ongoing
right tools to reach our desired end state while for additional future warehouses on Diageo’s Company
working together as one cohesive team. Lebanon campus. updates
Speaking of getting back to the basics, our time The Marzetti Dressing Plant Expansion located continued
on next
of optimization will focus greatly on our operational in Horse Cave, Kentucky is progressing well since page