Page 7 - Graypvine March 2022
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as well as a family that lost everything in Dawson manufacturing operation for Cerrowire, a Berkshire
Springs. The Nieman Christmas Tree Farm located Hathaway company.
in Lexington, Kentucky (Jonathan Nieman is a I have always been a believer in the old quote;
Senior Civil Engineer in the Lexington office) worked “To know where you’re going, you have to know
together with the Kentucky Governor’s office and where you’ve been.” Let’s unpack this… to say
Smith’s Towing & Equipment Hauling to donate 2022 is a year of importance to the company is an
a beautiful large Fraser Fir Christmas tree to the understatement! Twenty years ago, the Southeast
community of Mayfield shortly after the tornadoes office had goals of selling somewhere in the $10-15
ripped through their town. In the midst of so much million range. It is staggering to think that this past
chaos and heartbreak, it gave the community year, the team sold and put in place over 30 times
an opportunity to come together to receive the that number!
beautiful tree and decorate it for everyone to enjoy. The values and goals set forth for the growth
Additionally, Gray AE team members collected of this office are deeply ingrained in our prized
monetary donations and purchased Christmas Southeast office, and we plan to keep it that way! 7
gifts for a family of four that lost their home and all These humble beginnings started with a few very
possessions in Dawson Springs. When David Hird familiar names many of us have come up under
(Director of Engineering in the Lexington office) and at Gray. The office began with a couple of “young
Wes Perkins (Assistant Director of AE Integration bucks” at the time including David Florence and
in the Lexington office) heard that the Butler family David Dean. Both of which were and continue to
had two daughters that were similar in age to their be mentors to many at Gray. Over the course of
own children, they worked together to purchase the next few years, other familiar faces made huge
four totes of gifts to ensure the girls would have impacts on the success of the office including
a happy Christmas morning. There are so many Brian Jones, David Hird, Scott McCormick, Patrick
team members that have and are continuing to help McCowan, Chris Allen, Phil Shin, and Jason
with the restoration efforts, I’m sure there will be Mosakowski, just to name a few. Pretty heavy
additional stories to share in future issues. hitting team if you ask me! This team was tenacious,
aggressive, sharp, innovative, and determined to
make a big impact on the success of the company.
Southeast Office They did exactly that, and it’s a great honor to all
with Drew Romans those working in the Birmingham office to be a part
Regional Manager,
Southeast Office of making those long-term goals a reality. Stay tuned
over the course of this year for more on the history
2022 is out of the gate! The Southeast office is of the Southeast office.
off and running with a healthy backlog and some Here’s to another GREAT YEAR!
healthy goals in our sites as we enter the region’s
20th year in operation. This year, you will see us
expanding upon several markets we have found
to be successful. You will see our teams operating
in Virginia, California, and multiple projects across Company
Alabama within the Amazon account. You will also updates
see us work toward the completion of Austal USA’s continued
on next
new Steel ship manufacturing facility and a new page