Page 8 - Graypvine March 2022
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pushing for projects to move forward, and the Gray
                             Food & Beverage                      Inc. team of companies are ideally set to respond.

                             with Phil Seale                      As a Gray family of companies, we have a unique
                             Executive Vice President,
                             Food & Beverage Market               offering of skillsets and wide range of knowledge.
                                                                  We have expertise on subjects our customers
              The Food and Beverage industry remains a            need, and we have the ability to get ahead of
            dynamic and growing market actively striving to       issues before they materialize on our projects.
            accommodate changing consumer habits and the          From expert designers, automation and controls,
            current Covid idiosyncrasies. Are these changes a     process engineering, and equipment manufacturing,
            unicorn or are they long term?                        we are providing solutions to customers through
              The world is responding to supply chain issues      focused teams that have a holistic approach to
            and all markets are addressing price volatility,      project management.
            extended schedules, and lead times. Our teams are       The Food and Beverage group are on the
      8     constantly revising, responding, and repricing, but   frontlines, working as teams across the Gray Inc.
            things are far from settled.                          family, with projects like Mizkan, Purina, and Hills
              Despite the circumstances, customers are still      Pet Food. Of course there are challenges, but we

            The Graypvine is now

            just a click away

            Over the many decades of its existence, the Graypvine
            has been delivered to the homes of our team members
            all over the country. Throughout those years, we’ve
            enjoyed sending each issue out to our team members
            and, by extension, their families.

            While the content will not change, the delivery of
            the Graypvine has. We’ve decided to publish each
            issue digitally to both make it more environmentally
            friendly and to ensure a fast delivery to keep the
            information current.

            With each publication, you’ll receive an email with a
            link to view the latest issue. We know that many of our
            extended Gray family members enjoy reading each
            issue, so please let us know if you’d like to add another
            email to our digital mailing list. To join the list, please
            contact Maria Turner at or
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