Page 9 - Graypvine March 2022
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are working tirelessly toward our goals, resulting in a
        stronger and more experienced team.
          The Food and Beverage relationships and network
        are continuing to thrive. We were recently awarded
        a project by American Foods Group - a flagship beef
        processing facility in St Louis. Without the Clemens
        projects and their ensuing support, we would not
        have had the opportunity we did. Gray has a rich
        history of similar stories – Charlotte’s Prestige Farms
        and the Summers BU Chick-fil-A to name a few.
          The next few years will be transitional and
        exponential for Gray Companies and it is thanks
        to you.


        Gray Construction

        ELG Spotlight

        by Kara Carr

          Happy New Year, Gray! This New Year is bright       The ELG committee is trying our best to find creative
        and full of opportunities for everyone, including our   ways to host events so we can continue to share the
        new members of the Gray family! For those who may     relationship-based culture at Gray with our new team
        not know, the Emerging Leaders Group (ELG) is a       members.
        mentorship and networking program that provides         Be on the lookout for updates throughout the year
        tools and training to new team members. Upon          about potential events that you can get involved in.
        joining the Gray family, all team members who are     If you have any ideas for our committee regarding
        not in managerial roles are automatically placed in   creative ways to accomplish our three pillars
        ELG and are a part of the group until they have been   mentioned above during Covid (i.e virtual gatherings,
        with the company for five years.                      social distanced events), please share them with our
          ELG focuses on three main pillars: professional     committee! You can reach us at
        development, philanthropy, and networking with
        the support of senior leaders at Gray. Over the last
        couple of years, we have unfortunately had less
        opportunities for in-person events due to Covid. We
        hope to be able to safely come together in 2022.
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