Page 6 - Graypvine March 2022
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Just before the Thanksgiving holiday the costs. Our front-end services help put us in the
commercial team completed construction of the driver’s seat for early planning, scheduling, and
Costco warehouse in South Windsor, Connecticut. budgeting for some tremendous projects. We have
This is their 8th warehouse located in Connecticut. a number of these in play right now, and although
The location opened strong and has been well we haven’t been awarded the entire project, we feel
received by the local community. The team was confident some great projects wins will be in the
recently selected to construct a new warehouse in books in FY22 due to our teams’ remarkable up-
St. Augustine, Florida, with construction to begin in front work building relationships with key customers.
early 2022. We are continuing to budget and work Coming off the heels of our highly successful and
with the Costco team for other opportunities in the challenging 2021 fiscal year, I have no doubt that our
spring and summer of 2022. teams have learned from the past and are currently
As we enter the new year, let’s remain focused on improvising for the future.
our execution strategy, optimize our procedures, Let’s also extend a hearty Gray Family welcome
6 continue to nurture and value our culture and most to our newest team members in the South Atlantic
of all our people, while staying dedicated to giving Office. We’re thrilled you’re on board and can’t wait
our customers everything they bargained for ... and to see what this year holds!
just a little bit more!
Gray Architects &
South Atlantic Office Engineers
with Brett Goode with Dowell Hoskins
Senior Vice President, President
South Atlantic Office
As I reflect back on the past year, we have been
Wow! What a year to look back on and recognize extremely fortunate to have many large projects in
all with which we have to be thankful. As we execution as well as the best sales pipeline we have
look forward to this new year, there is a reason ever seen – this has allowed many opportunities for
the rearview mirror is so much smaller than the growth among the team and I don’t think any of us
windshield. We have a bright and prosperous future! see this waning in 2022. We are continuing to grow
However, it’s important that we take the time to learn our team to meet the outsized demand for industrial
from our past and adapt for the future. As Theodore design-build projects. Since October, we have
Roosevelt said, “The more you know about the welcomed an additional 16 new team members to
past, the better you are prepared for the future.” the Gray AE team, taking our current head count to
This resonates with the South Atlantic Office for 119! Not only have our team members experienced
many reasons. both personal and professional growth over the
I chalk this past year up to the ever-changing past year, but we have also had a number of
conditions in our business of making the best out of opportunities to give back to the communities that
every opportunity, while at the same time, refining we work in and around, so I will share a couple of
our project approaches to meet the dynamic needs those stories with you.
of our customers. It goes without saying that Gray After the devastating tornadoes ravaged large
has developed a strong reputation in our industry swaths of western Kentucky, Gray as a whole, but
for working with customers extremely early in their also specifically Gray AE team members, jumped at
budgeting process to help them validate project the opportunity to help the community of Mayfield