Page 2 - Graypvine March 2022
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Safety important goal. We want everyone to go home at the
end of each day injury free.
With this growth we have a responsibility to ensure
with Ned Brown
Director, Safety we give all our team members the tools they need to
be successful. That is why Gray heavily invests in our
team. Recently Gray started putting new team members
Growth in Safety through Gray Fusion. This program allows our new
I started my career with Gray as a Safety Intern with no team members to participate in a weeklong discussion
experience in commercial construction. I learned quickly of Gray’s different programs, processes and -- most
that I wanted to be a member of the Gray family and this importantly -- our culture. We recently completed our
is where I wanted to spend my career. I was welcomed second Gray Fusion with over 40 of our newest team
with open arms and treated with respect and valued as members. It was a great experience and the team
a member of the team. I owe that experience to where I members participated very well throughout the week.
am today. Here is what Angela Starkey, Site Safety Technician,
In the 10 years I have been with Gray, our Safety had to say about her experience in Gray Fusion: “This
2 Department has grown exponentially. When I started as training was AWESOME!!! It was very informative and
allowed us to see the whole picture of how we all fuse
a Site Safety Technician in 2012 I was one of two in the
field. Today, we have almost 50 safety professionals on as a company.”
our projects. It is amazing to see this type of growth take It is an exciting time to be working in our industry
place and to be able to work with such an amazing team and the future looks promising. We are always pushing
each day. to achieve new milestones and build our projects at
This year alone we have added 16 additional safety a quick pace. However, we must not forget the most
professionals to our team. These new team members important part of our Gray Safety 7. You have the
come from all walks of life and have diverse backgrounds right and responsibility to say “STOP!” As a Gray team
in the safety field. Some team members have many member, it is also our responsibility to lead the charge
years of experience in commercial construction, oil and in keeping our projects safe and providing a safe work
gas, civil construction, general industry, and some have environment for our workforce. By living out Gray’s three
recently graduated college. Each of these team members Core Values and Purpose Statement, we can achieve
are equally as important to ensure we reach our most this goal together.
Safety Statistics Commitment to Safety
All statistics reported for Gray are cumulative for Calendar Year 2021
0 Fatality Greg Gideon
Site Manager
6 (Disabling Accidents) 4 years, 2 months with Gray
Recordable Accident
66 (Off Work, Limited Work,
and No Lost Time)
68 Serious Injury or
Fatality (SIF) Incidents
"Prior to arriving at Gray, I thought my commitment to
272 134 safety was paramount. Since, I’ve learned commitment
is more than a word. Stopping work was a cardinal sin,
Near Miss / Property Damage First Aid / Injury but not recordable
it just didn’t happen. After being at Gray for awhile now,
I see stopping work is a common practice, for the right
A goal of zero lost time incidents means there is a level of acceptance of other types of
incidents that do not lead to lost time. When other incidents are accepted, then we increase reasons. If I don’t feel comfortable or if something looks
the chance that lost time, and more severe incidents will occur. The triangle graphic above sketchy, my commitment is to stop work and reassess.
is an illustration of this. Gray’s focus is to stop all incidents, by starting at the very bottom of At the Jupiter project, I’ve done just that several times.
the triangle. If we eliminate all incidents, then we eliminate the possibility of the catastrophic Not once was I questioned by the team or the sub’s
incident. By definition, a lost time incident is an injury event that causes a worker to miss at management. I pledge to continue sharpening my eye
least one day of work. A safety incident is any event that needs to be tracked and recorded
regardless of whether medical attention was required or not. and instincts to help improve our safety culture."