Page 1 - Graypvine March 2022
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March 2022
What got us
Bottom here, won’t get us They didn’t adapt to disruption
in their markets. We won’t
Line to where we are make the same mistakes.
going. What does
We will continue to do great
that mean? Well, it
means we’ve continued to be blessed year after year things for the next sixty years,
because we are committed
with great people and great success, but we can’t get to evolve and to enhance our
comfortable there and stop striving to stay ahead. We value to our customers through
must keep our customers future needs at our forefront. new services, complementary
First, let me be clear that I believe there is no better markets, and regional expansion. We won’t abandon
company on the planet than Gray Construction. our values, guiding principles and our purpose, but we
Our rich history, experience and people-first, values- will continue to change to achieve our 2030 vision.
centered focus has allowed our growing team to We will cross $3-billion in revenue this year for the first
become more successful each year. We continue to time in our history. To continue this exciting growth, we
climb above our goals and set new records with some must embrace the extra steps necessary to become
of the largest customers and projects in the world. We an excellent $3-billion company, just like we made the
are blessed with an excellent backlog and an exciting changes necessary to become an excellent $1-billion
future and should be extremely proud of six decades company a few years ago. For the next few years, we
worth of accomplishments. Our growing family is full of will optimize, adapt, and prepare for our future. We will
wonderful and talented people that our customers want take this time to right size our capacity, our processes
to work with. and invest in the development of our people. Each of
Think of Blockbuster, Blackberry, MySpace, Yahoo; you will then continue to shape how we evolve and get
all had similar stories once, but they didn’t survive. us to where we are going.
Why? Because they didn’t embrace change and Brian Jones
weren’t agile enough to adapt with their customers. President & Chief Executive Officer, Gray Construction
Our purpose is to make a difference in 1. We put safety and quality of life first.
people’s lives by creating unforgettable 2. We are customer and relationship driven.
customer experiences and great projects. 3. We treat others the way we want to be treated.