Page 15 - Graypvine March 2022
P. 15

Firefighters Toy Drive                                western Kentucky and other nearby states in late
          Each year, the Lexington Firefighters collect       2021. Team members who donated were given $20
        brand new gifts and give them to underprivileged      gift cards, but one team member decided to do
        children in the community. Parents can then wrap      something else with his gift card, and inspired others
        the gifts so their children will have a present come   to do the same.
        Christmas morning.                                      “Ken Donnelly came out of the blood mobile and
          “I feel it’s important to give every holiday season,   handed his gift card to me,” said Maria Turner, Training
        but this one in particular,” said Abby Reynolds,      & Team Member Experiences Specialist who organized
        Human Resources Analyst. “Since COVID has             the blood drive. “He asked to donate it to people
        impacted a lot of families financially, I feel extremely   involved in the storms in western Kentucky, and then
        fortunate to have a job that has sustained over the   other team members kept handing them to me.”
        pandemic. It is important to share the gifts we have
        with others who are in need, especially our children.   The Pay It Forward Team
        Being a mom there is no greater joy in the world than   The Pay It Forward Team collected monetary
        seeing your child light up with a brand new toy or    donations to purchase Christmas presents for a family   15
        stuffed animal for Christmas. I am very thankful we   impacted by a tornado in Dawson Springs, Kentucky.
        have organizations like the Lexington Firefighters who   Alyssa Butler, her fiancé and her two daughters, ages
        work to make every child’s Christmas a little brighter.”  5 and 7, lost their home on Saturday, December 11th.
                                                                The PIF Forward Team jumped into action to try and
        Blood Drive                                           help make Christmas a little brighter for this family.
          The Kentucky Blood Center’s blood mobile was        The group collected $2,200, and Wesley and Lindsey
        parked outside of the Lexington Office for a few days   Perkins and David and Tressie Hird worked together
        in December, and a large number of team members       to purchase four large totes of Christmas presents for
        took time out of their busy workdays to donate blood.   the two little girls.
        While blood donations are always needed, they           The family was very grateful for all the help received,
        have been especially necessary during the ongoing     and they are slowly beginning to move forward from
        pandemic and after tornadoes devastated areas of      the devastation.

        Lindsey Griggs is shown donating blood, while Lachelle Parks rests after her donation in the Kentucky Blood Center's blood mobile parked outside of the Lexington office.

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