Page 102 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 102

I would do it as a day walk from an entirely different route as carrying 6 litres of water didn’t appeal
               to me!

               For the purpose of a day walk I decided to take a different approach to Pantoneys coming via a much
               more adventurous route that starts at Jews creek to the south and then follows an extremely rugged
               ridgeline along the great dividing range to Baal Bone Point, before a big descent and ascent to the
               Northern end of the Crown, where an exposed rock scrambling route awaits you before you reach the
               top. Along the way are several slots to be negotiated which all takes time so having done this route a
               few times I really needed to find a quicker easier way to the top.

               It was around 2000 that I became friends with a landowner whose property adjoins the national park
               and which many other bushwalking leaders from various clubs had used to gain access to an easyish
               ridge that would lead straight to the base of the cliff lines near the Northern ascent. This is a wonderful
               walk passing through open woodland until it rises slowly past an amazing stand of Xanthorrhoea,
               several endangered grevillea species, a wonderful casuarina forest and several plant communities
               along the way to the base where the usual rock   to the fore.
               This newest route has become my normal way up now and I’ve taken a lot of people to the top of
               Pantoneys over the last 2 decades via this easyish ridge. Needless to say I hope to do my 20th ascent
               to the top sometime in the not too distant future.

               Maybe you’d like to join me?

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