Page 98 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 98

Cape Hauy, with its stunning columnar dolerite sea cliffs and stacks, is the most popular day walk (8
               km return), reached from the Fortescue Bay camping area. Those of you with a head for heights can
               peer over the cliff to view the ‘Candlestick’ and ‘Totem Pole’ (we didn’t!).

               Cape Pillar is too far for a day return walk. However, excellent views of the cape can be had from the
               Cape Hauy track, and it’s worth venturing a couple of km south on what is now the Three Capes track
               towards Mt. Fortescue for further views.

                                         View south over Munro Bight to Cape Pillar.

               The scrubby clifftop vegetation includes banksias, Callitris and even stunted saplings of celery top pine
               (Phyllocladus asplenifolius).

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