Page 93 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 93


                                         BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK.

                                                                                              Adrian Jones
               A very rewarding walk with 360 degree views of the surrounding area. Spectacular cliffs, and views of
               the Three Sisters, Mt. Solitary and The Ruined Castle. Numerous lookouts throughout the walk will
               overlook the Megalong and Jamison Valley’s and beyond. The walk will finish with an impressive view
               of Diamond Falls. This walk was inspired by Jim Smith’s book, HOW TO SEE THE BLUE MOUNTAINS. I
               have done this walk with groups four times and I have added a few side trips and variations to Jim’s

               12kms, 500m ascent, Grade 4, Map; Katoomba/Jamison.
               This walk will start at the locked gate on Narrowneck, Katoomba. Probably best conducted on week
               days. If going during weekends when the weather is good it is advisable to get to the parking area
               reasonably early. Prior to 9am would be ok. Climb over the stile and follow the trail south for about
               300m. A track on the left, east side will take you to an impressive cliff  edge with great views of
               Katoomba and the Three Sisters. Return to the trail and continue to the Castle Head track. Follow this
               track stopping occasionally at the various lookouts along the cliff line. At the end of the track enjoy
               great views of the Ruined Castle and Mt. Solitary. Return again to Narrowneck and continue for about
               500m. Just prior to a steep climb locate another track on the left. This track is marked with a few old
               steel girders and is easily seen from the trail. Follow this track up and over then veer right to another
               unnamed striking lookout. Return and ascend the steep section on the trail. Once on level ground walk
               for about 400m to locate an unmarked track on the right, west side. To confirm this spot another track

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