Page 88 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 88

Now they house a fancy hotel, flats for such types as John Laws.

               At the moment it is unpleasant to walk alongside the stairs near the new building works for the Art
               Gallery of NSW so a lift trip or many stairs takes the walker across the expressway and up to Art Gallery
               Road and then turn right/north then left/west into the Botanical Gardens.

               And what a delight they are:

               Bromeliads proudly on display,

               Blooming flowers,
               Tagged Ibis,


               Children frolicking,

               The odd tourist,

               Mothers suckling newborns and blokes wondering what to do,
               Many metres away from other humans,

               And other simple pleasures.

               There are a myriads of routes that can be taken in the gardens which leaves many more days of

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