Page 86 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 86

Keep walking for another few hundred metres and you’ll see a sign saying ‘Limestone cave 1.6 km’.
               That’s the track to Palona cave, a limestone cave with stalactites and stalagmites. Behind the cave,
               there’s a waterfall. Not as famous as Winnifred Fall, but just as unique and secluded. The waterfall is
               decorated with big tree trunk that might have fallen in front of the waterfall years ago.

                     Palona Cave entrance (top), stalactites and
                             stalagmites (bottom)                       Waterfall behind Palona Cave

                      The Forest Path sign post along Lady Carrington Dr.

                                                                        The ferns of the Forest Path

               To get back to Sir Bertram Drive, you have to walk back to Lady Carrington Drive. To make the walk
               complete the Forest Path is not to be missed. The path is full of all sorts of fungi, ferns, palm trees and
               Australian native trees. To get there, continue walking a few hundred meters and then turn right once
               you see the sign to Forest Path.

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