Page 87 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 87

My Day in the Gardens

                                                                                                Sue Wicks

               This walk in in the environs of the City of Sydney Council.  From home at KX to Circular Quay in the
               interest of my mental health.

               It’s special in these days of self-distancing and it’s special ‘cos it’s accessible with wide footpaths.  Not
               many kms though, ascent or descent metres but I’ll work on that.  There is always the Dover Heights
               Water tower to conquer for a steeper grade.
               There are many ways to get to the start of the walk. Train, bus, drive or walk.

                                                      The railway line
               There are three sets of stairs, each 100 plus to get from Kings Cross station to another inner city
               suburb, Woolloomooloo. Take any of them.

               Woolloomooloo is a very old suburb in terms of the colonisation of Australia. A former home to many
               locals.  Then  there  were  the  docklands  and  it  had many  reincarnations.  Think  prostitution,  drugs,
               murders and mayhem, humpies, death, plagues, violence, Green Bans, razor gangs, public housing, a
               bit of sex drugs and rock and roll and then use your imagination. Residents lived and still do as best
               they can.

               The Finger Wharves saw exports of wool and then blokes, and yes they were all only young blokes,
               who went off to World War II for only economic reasons as there was little paid work after the so
               called 1930’s depression, economic not mental health one.

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