Page 85 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 85

Geastrum sp (top), Hygrocybe Sp (left)
                                          and Entoloma viriscens (right)
               If you start from Walumarra fire trail, you will see the heathland during the first few kilometres of
               your walk, afterward you will descend into the woodland and finally you’ll cross Bola Creek twice
               before reaching Lady Carrington Drive. Some parts of the subtropical forest around Bola Creeks are
               barely touched by the sun, giving you the feeling that it’s the sort of place fairies come to play.

               Depending on the time of year, you’ll be able to witness the different wonders of nature that the
               track has to offer. In August and September, the whole woodland is full of blooming Gymea lilies.
               Orchids are also found in the woodland of the track. In late September to January, you might be able
               to hear the sound of cicadas. In November and early December, Christmas bushes decorate the
               rocky areas.  After walking for 4.2 km, you’ll come up to Lady Carrington Drive. If you turn to the
               right and continue walking for around one km, you’ll see the turn to Forest Path on the left.

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