Page 89 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 89

I  left  the  gardens  by walking  past  the  NSW  Conservatorium  of Music,  across the  Tarpeian  Lawn,
               alongside the Cahill Expressway then down in a lift to Circular Quay. The Tarpeian Lawn is littered with
               sandstone blocks from long time ago Sydney buildings. Homeless people bask in the sun usually there,
               the old Coca Cola building site has workers finally working on it and the views ain’t bad which I suppose
               is why weddings are often held there. The Conservatorium High School uses it for PE lessons too. Why
               it was named after something in Ancient Rome is beyond this stories scope and I don’t know anyway.

               Reverse the route back to Kings Cross station via one of the many pathways in the gardens and take
               in Mrs Macquarie’s Chair too.

               In the days of being moved on from parks it’s been fun writing some of this from near the El Alamein
               fountain in a park in front of Kings Cross Police Station with others sunning themselves and getting
               away from small flats.

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