Page 63 - Waiter-Learner Manual (ENGLISH).indd
P. 63


                      Serving Spirits

                      Due to the high alcohol content, spirits are often served with a mixer, for example, ginger
                      ale, tonic, soda, lemonade, Coca-Cola, juice, etc. Popular combinations of spirits and
                      mixers include Gin and Tonic, Vodka and Orange, Rum and Coke, Whiskey and Soda

                      When serving any of these drinks:
                         1.  Select the appropriate glass.
                         2.  Check whether ice/lemon is requested and if so, place in glass.
                         3.  Pour correct measure of spirit into the glass.
                         4.  Select and open mixer.
                         5.  Carrying glasses and mixers on a tray.
                         6.  Place mixed drinks on the table, with a coaster.
                         7.  Pour in mixers for the guest.
                         8.  Remove empty mixer bottles from table.
                         9.  Serve extra ice, if requested.

                      Spirits and Liqueurs

                      Spirits                                   Liqueurs

                       A spirit is a fermented liquid of starch,   A liqueur is a sweetened, flavoured spirit.
                       sugar, water and a base ingredient that  Liqueurs are most often served with
                       is a fruit, cereal, vegetable or molasses.   coffee at the end of a meal.

                       Examples are: vodka, gin, brandy,         Examples are Tia Maria (coffee), Baileys (Irish
                       whiskey and rum                           cream), Drambuie (orange), Cointreau (orange)

                      Spirits have much higher alcohol content than draught or bottled beers and therefore
                      are served in a much smaller measure.

                      The most popular spirits and their base ingredients are:

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