Page 123 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
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second part of the program includes forty hours of internship
experience in a broad range of career possibilities where students are
actually paid minimum wage.
In June of 2013, Harley attended STEP with one of his good
friends, Merlyn Hileman. Some of his unique experiences included
even learning such skills as dealing with overflowing toilets. One of
his more enjoyable tasks was learning to cook a complete meal for
thirteen people completely on his own which included everything
from grocery shopping and food preparations. Harley discovered that
preparing milkshakes for thirteen people was really a lot of work. His
complete menu also included: Hidden Valley Ranch Chicken, green
beans, and basil spinach rice. Quite a delicious feast prepared by
Harley entirely with his own efforts. He was one of only three
campers to successfully complete this difficult task.
There is no lack of fun-filled activities available for students such
as cookouts, swimming, mall excursions intended to increase self-
confidence and independence in blind teens. Harley also took part
with a vocal performance at the talent show, reading the song lyrics
on his Braillenote. He sang “Mad World,” in the voice of
Gollum/Smeagol from Lord of The Rings. At the close of the
program, a Parents' Weekend enables them to discover how much
their children have learned throughout the eight-week summer camp.
Figure 71: Harley singing "Mad World" (reading lyrics on
Braillenote) for talent show.