Page 230 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 230


           Harley, with Kevin and Beth attended Tara's funeral in Dripping
        Springs, Texas located west of Austin. Beth commented to friends,
        “This was a very emotionally draining funeral. She was so full of
        promise and just about to start life for real at 18.” Harley agreed with
        Beth that they needed to go out and do more meaningful things in
        their lives. They felt fortunate to have that chance.
           Moreover, on October 15  just a couple of months earlier, Harley
        had received an additional, troubling diagnosis of Myelodysplastic
        Syndrome (MDS) discovered by a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
        ordered by his oncologist. MDS is an under-diagnosed rare group of
        bone marrow failure disorders, where the body no longer makes
        enough healthy, normal blood cells in the bone marrow. Abnormal
        cells slowly take over the normal cells until a full bone marrow failure
        occurs which means new blood cannot be produced. Suspected causes
        of   MDS   are   previous   radiation   treatment   and   chemotherapy   for
        cancer.   Ultimately,   the   possibility   of   a   bone   marrow   transplant
        impended   on   Harley's   future.   The   family   began   researching   the
        lengthy BMT process. A troubling statistic warned that one out of
        three MDS patients ultimately progress to acute myeloid leukemia
        (AML) a form of blood cancer.
           Fortunately, on October 23 , 2013, Harley and his family still
        celebrated his fourth “Cancer-Free” anniversary from the brain tumor
        on his optic nerve that had caused his blindness. It had been four
        years since Harley's final brain surgery without further brain tumor
        complications.   Although   other   serious   medical   problems   were
        beginning to surface and might become more troubling in the near
        future.   By   December,   Harley's   family   was   consulting   with   his
        oncologist about monitoring his eventual need for a bone-marrow
        transplant and initiating a lengthy process of attempting to locate a
        precise donor match which could extend over many months.
           Harley celebrated his fifth “Cancer-Free” anniversary from his
        brain tumor on October 23 , 2014. Sadly, this was his last “Cancer-
        Free” anniversary. His blood issues were compounding with lowering
        hemoglobin   and   blood   counts.   Frequent,   troublesome   nosebleeds
        resulted in Harley appearing quite pale or tired and often requiring
        him to receive additional units of blood.

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