Page 233 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 233


               Tom Zimmer, member of Christian Motorcyclists Association and
             known as PhotoBubba, posted on 21 Saturday, November 2015 on
               In   late   September   of   2015,   the   Leander   Chapter   of   Gypsy
             Motorcycle club International held its annual run with over 300 in
             attendance.   Over   a   two-day   period,   they   raised   $8,000   for   St.
             Baldrick's,   a   volunteer-powered   charity   that   raises   funds   for
             childhood cancer research.

               On November 21, 2015, they presented their St. Baldrick's check to
             representatives of the Children's Blood & Cancer Center at Dell
             children's. Leander is a very active chapter and loves supporting their
             local community. One of its members has been a longtime supporter
             and participant of the St. Baldrick's head-shaving events held at Dell
             Children's Medical Center.

               Gypsy Motor Cycle is a family club that supports and promotes the
             entire family. They are all tied together with a love and passion for
             riding motorcycles. The organization has been in existence since 1932
             and  started  in  Merryville,   Tennessee.   They  have   chapters   in  the
             United States, Mexico, and Germany.
               Just   as   Harley   and   his   family   supported   the   St.   Baldrick's
             organization raising research funds for a cure for all kids with cancer,
             these same St. Baldrick's participants in return devotedly supported
             each other. Understandably, a cancer diagnosis adds enormous stress
             to families. So those who have strong social supports in good friends
             and family are able to cope through struggles easier. Families united
             with the common concern of having a child with cancer, clearly relate
             to each other in terms of emotional support for sadness, anxiety, or
             anger. These support systems increase the bond and strength people
             dealing   with   the   difficulties   associated   with   cancer   and   cancer
             treatments face on a day to day basis.

               After Harley was pronounced cured from brain cancer in 2009, he
             continued to devote enormous time, talent, and efforts to support other
             kids   with   cancer.   He   participated   throughout   the   years   giving
             speeches, attending fundraisers, and promoting the finding of a cure
             for kids with cancer by appearing bald publicly to remind everyone of

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