Page 236 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 236


           In March of 2016, Harley checked into Houston Medical Center to
        prepare for his BMT. He brought along his guitar and often spent time
        strumming favorite songs during the days ahead to support himself
        and his parents with music especially “The House of the Rising Sun.”

           Over   the   next   two   weeks,   Harley   was   given   antibiotics,
        chemotherapy, and other support medications such as anti-nausea, and
        antigens that helped minimize host vs. graph disease. Without finding
        any other qualified bone marrow host donor, Beth had been chosen as
        donor of blood stem cells which would be processed and then given
        Harley as a Haploid transplant through transfusion on March 18,
        2016, a day proclaimed as Harley's Rebirthday! A day earlier, Beth
        had flown back to Austin to stand in for Harley at St. Baldrick's
        fundraiser, offering herself up for the annual head-shaving ritual that
        Harley was unable to attend himself. Kevin stayed with Harley in
        Houston but they stilled shaved their heads in family solidarity.

                       Figure 196: Beth and her grandnephew,
                       Wyatt, shave their heads for St. Baldrick's
                       fundraiser. Beth holds up photo of Kevin
                         and Harley back in Houston who also
                            had shaved for this fundraiser.

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