Page 245 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
P. 245
you have been a man for some time. You've done more living than
most other “men” and considered every bit of adversity another
adventure that you handled with grace and courage. It's been an
honor to watch you in action and share the ups and downs with you.
I'm impressed by your intelligence, talent, and empathy for others. I'm
proud to be your Dad and your friend. Wish we weren't celebrating in
a hospital room. You're the toughest man I know, not some candy-ass
tough like a Hollywood leading man, but really tough! Happy
Birthday. I love you man!”
Throughout the remaining month of July, Harley continued to
experience bacterial infection, blood in his urine, and neuropathy in
his extremities. The family was hopeful when Harley's ANC showed
progress as it continued to increase. Although at times, he now began
to experience difficulty in breathing which sometimes improved with
physical therapy. Blood tests show that all of his blood cells were
from Beth's cells which meant that his blood was totally engrafted
now. The important issue became getting rid of all the difficult
infections attacking his delicate system, including a lung infection
which was making him cough and necessitating oxygen
supplementation. His breathing ability had become extremely fragile
with his ongoing lung infection.
Tired and weakened by his struggles, Harley became frustrated
because nothing seemed to be getting any better. After discussing this
predicament with Beth and Kevin, Harley decided to focus on
physical therapy which would be something positive he could
personally contribute to getting better. He rationalized that if he could
only get stronger, then some of his health issues might go away.
However, even with Harley's commitment to positive efforts, health
issues completely overcame Harley's body as the days went by.
On July 29 , with declining hope of recovery, Harley's doctors had
a heartfelt discussion with the threesome. With deep remorse, they
reported to Harley and his parents that they did not think there was
anything else they could medically do for Harley. When they revealed
their conclusions, Harley's first thought was to actually try to comfort
his doctors by saying, “I know that you did all that you could.”