Page 11 - May 2020 Final
P. 11
is about 95 years old! Trees book was the brainchild of the on or before June 1, 2020 at activi-
• Camperdown Elms – located on Landscape Committee in 2016, with or
both sides of the Outdoor Pool (one Landscape Chair Connie Bradshaw at call 703-370-7092.
on the Volleyball Courtside; anoth- the helm. After much discussion
er on playground side) about documenting some of the more Be sure to go outside and enjoy the
• American Dogwood – located be- remarkable and interesting species of view — at a safe distance of course!
tween the gazebos and currently in trees at Watergate, Connie created the
bloom! Wonderful view from Low- 50-page publication. The book pro- Bob Lee currently serves on the WAL
er or Upper Terrace vides photos and narratives of unique Board of Directors and is a former
• Japanese Maple – located between trees on the property as well as others Landscape Committee Chairman.
the Lower Terrace and just outside that contribute so much to the beauty
of the corner of the Outdoor Pool of this community. Financed by
lap lane members of the Landscape Commit-
• Upright Blue Atlas Cedar – Behind tee, 150 copies of the book were
the Outdoor Tennis Court at the top printed and all have been sold. Pro- We regret to inform
of the Meadow. This tree is 27years ceeds went to the WAL Enhancement you of the cancel-
old and I think it’s probably the Fund.
single most attractive fir tree on the lation of this year’s
property! Our second edition will feature all the
• Magnolia – located near the Patrol new species added since 2016 as well Sunday on the Ter-
Services Office down the steps as updated content. Not only is this race scheduled to
from the Lower Terrace are two book interesting and informative, it’s
lovely trees. a snapshot in time of our beautiful occur on Sunday,
community and makes a great gift. May 17.
WAL Tree Book History
The original Watergate at Landmark To preorder at a $2 discount, email
Activities Director, Becca Spencer,
May 2020 Wheel Page 11