Page 6 - May 2020 Final
P. 6
take you to make
these kinds of rocks?
By Rashawnda Atkinson The amount of time it
takes to make these de-
Who would take the time to create paint. Due to the quarantine the only pends on how detailed the design on
such inspiring, whimsical and beauti- people working in our 'Rock Work- the rock is. But it is an overnight
ful pieces of art? shop' right now is just the two of us. process. First, we collect the rocks
But [I] would love more neighbors to and then make sure to wash them all
I think that Barbara Hodges, a long- join in on the fun. with soap and hot water. Once [they]
time resident at WAL, wondered the dried, we paint them. Then [the
same thing when she sent the follow- Where did the idea come from? rocks] need to dry again. After that,
ing email: “Love spying these de- The rock idea actually came from the the last—and most important step—is
lightful art works while social dis- last town we lived in. People around to seal your image on to the rock so if
tancing walking with my hus- it gets wet it does not get ru-
band.” She then went on to ined. I like to use an acrylic
thank the unknown artists. paint sealant that comes in a
spray can. After sealing them
I wanted to speak with them they sit overnight to dry. The
but wasn’t sure how or even next day they are ready to go!
if I would be able to find
these artists in such a large How many have you made
community. Thankfully, so far? Will you make
Dawn Lopez, another resi- more?
dent posted photos on our I don't know the exact number
WAL Twitter account of of rocks we painted thus far…
these rocks. One of the rocks probably about 15-20. We are
had two names on them. still making more because it's
Could these names be the a lot of fun and keeps us busy.
“unknown artists” Barbara Abriena gets especially excit-
was speaking about? ed on our daily walks when
she notices one of our rocks
With a little detective work I have been discovered.
was able to locate Lisa
Spohswood, who moved to One of your neighbors,
WAL with her daughter
Abriena last December. They Dawn Lopez, said,
were the artists who painted “Abriena and Lisa, your
the rocks and scattered them painted rocks bring so
around the community. I had much joy to me. They are
a chance to chat with Lisa an amazing little surprise
about her “Rock Workshop.” that make me smile.” Li-
This is what she shared. sa, how does it feel to
know that you are bright-
What inspired you to Abriena is busy working in the “Rock Workshop.” ening someone else's day
begin painting the rocks? Photo: Lisa Spohswood by leaving these painted
Having to be quarantined with a very rocks around?
energetic five-year-old is not an easy town had a Facebook page that the Being that this is such a scary and
task! I've been trying to come up rock painters and collectors would unpredictable time right now during
with a lot of activities to keep post photos of rocks they made and the pandemic having the opportunity
Abriena busy and my sanity in check. rocks they had found. It became a to make someone smile or brighten
scavenger hunt and was a lot of fun there day with something as simple as
Both my daughter and I love arts and for the kids in the area. a rock painted to look like a minion
crafts. I've always found art to be or ladybug is a gift that goes both
very therapeutic and a great way to Where do you get your ideas for ways. We encourage neighbors that
express your feelings visually. Plus designs on the rocks? find one of our rocks to please take it
it’s just so much fun. I personally Abriena and I come up with design home with you if you like it or relo-
love to draw, pain and collage. ideas together based on what we cate the rock for someone else to
Abriena loves to make jewelry and think other people might like. find.
Page 6 Wheel May 2020