Page 5 - May 2020 Final
P. 5


        By Tom Curry, General Manager

        If  there  is  a  COVID-19  positive  case  within  any  of  our
        buildings, the City of Alexandria Health Department will
        not notify management. They will notify those who were
        in  contact  with  the  affected  individual.  The  Association
        has therefore reacted as if everyone has the virus by clos-
        ing all common amenities, canceling all association meet-
        ings  and  events  and  promoting  CDC  guidance for social
        distancing, wearing of masks, cleaning hands and wearing

        The  Association's  Environmental  Services  staff  altered   Work procedures at WAL adapted due to COVID-19 requirements.
        their  work  schedule  to  allow  for  multiple  disinfecting  of
        common touch surfaces from elevator buttons to counters   The best advice is to follow the stay at home orders, only
        and railings. Our Maintenance staff is limiting their expo-  leave for essential needs and make sure to follow the CDC
        sure  to  residents  by  only  answering  emergency  calls  for   guidelines.
        maintenance  within  units  such  as  a  major  water  leak.  If
        they need to enter they ask a unit owner to step out of the   The  Community  Association  Institute  recommends  that
        room  and  they  wear  appropriate  PPE.  Patrol  Services  is   during this time, it is important to protect people's dignity
        doing the same by calling rather than answering in-person   and  work  to  assist  people who  have  to  quarantine.  They
        at a unit when we receive complaints. Our Resident Ser-  recommend that Associations should discourage residents
        vices staff is limiting its face-to-face exposure with resi-  from posts on social media platforms that would be seen as
        dents through the use of various communication tools.   shaming people who contract the virus or quarantine.

         May 2020                                          Wheel                                             Page 5
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