Page 8 - May 2020 Final
P. 8


        By Rashawnda Atkinson
        More people are staying in their units
        since  Governor  Northam  issued  the
        stay-at-home  mandate  to  “flatten  the
        curve”  of  COVID-19  infections.  An
        unintended impact of the mandate is
        the  rise  in  residential  utility  costs.
        Higher condo assessments can occur
        when  energy  expenses  increase.
        Thankfully  there’s  something  every
        resident  can  do  to  minimize  the  im-
        pact—put  energy-conservation  prac-
        tices into action.

        Consider one or more of the follow-
        ing tips  to help the Association—and
        by association yourself or your land-   Energy conservation leads to reduced energy costs and assessments for WAL.
        lord—potentially  save  money  during
        this  increased  period  of  energy  con-  •  When  was  the  last  time  you   weather.  When  installed  you  may
        sumption costs.                        changed  your  disposable  HVAC      enjoy  your  views  unobstructed  in-
                                               filter or cleaned a resuable one you   stead of closing the blinds and cur-
        Green Energy Tips                      purchased?  The  non-profit  organi-  tains—which also helps reduce the
        •  Consider  the  benefits  of  replacing   zation Alliance to Save Energy rec-  heat brought into the home.
          older light bulbs with ones that are   ommends changing or cleaning fil-  •  Consider the benefits of using pow-
          more energy efficient.               ters monthly, as doing so helps im-  er strips for multiple electronic de-
                                               prove indoor air quality and energy   vices  in  the  same  room.  Energy
                                                              efficiency.  It  also   experts  at  Payless  Power  Electric
                                                              reduces  the  sys-    Company states that using such can
                                                              tem’s   workload,     mitigate  energy  consumed  when
                                                              potentially   ex-     the appliances are not in use or on
                                                              tends  the  life  of   stand-by. Plus, it’ll be easier to un-
                                                              the  system  and      plug  certain  devices  when  you  are
                                                              aids in delaying or   away from home for days or weeks
                                                              preventing  costly    on end.
                                                              machine repairs.     •  Adjust  the  thermostat  if  you  are
                                                              •  Turn off the wa-   going to be out of the unit and off
                                                              ter,   lights   and   property for a long time. Raise the
                                                              electronics  when     temperature a few degrees in warm-
                                                              leaving the room.     er  weather  and  lower  it  in  cooler
                                                              •  Conservationist    weather.
                                                              group   American     •  Report  issues  related  to  any  toilet
                                                              Forest     recom-     sounds or leaks to Metro Water at
                                                              mends  installing     703-461-3418.  Leave  a  message
                                                              window  film  to      and  someone  will  schedule  a  time
                                                              the  inside  of  your   to speak with you.
                                                              windows.  Accord-
                                                              ing  to  them,  win-  Following  these  steps  may  help  to
                                                              dow  film  blocks    reduce  the  rising  costs  associated
                                                              the   sun’s   heat   with utilities that unit owners pay for
                                                              from  entering  the   in  the  annual  dues.  The  Association
                                                              unit  and eases  the   appreciates efforts residents have un-
                                                              workload  of  air    dergone and will continue to encour-
                                                              conditioning  units   age our community to practice energy
                                                              during    warmer     conservation in their units.

         Page 8                                           Wheel                                           May 2020
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