Page 10 - May 2020 Final
P. 10

TAKE A TREE WALK                                                           Community  Clean-up.  The  Yellow-
                                                                                   wood  produces  cascading  fragrant

                                                                                   the  most  beautiful  of  any  flowering
                                                                                   blossoms in the spring that are among
        By Bob Lee, Board Director                                                 tree. At its maturity, the tree will as-
                                                                                   sume a height of 30 to 50 feet with a
                                                                                   comparable  width.  The  geographic
                                                                                   range  of  the  tree  is  typically  limited
                                                                                   to  Tennessee,  Kentucky  and  North
                                                                                   Carolina and is rarely seen in North-
                                                                                   ern Virginia.

                                                                                   Swamp White Oak
                                                                                   Along  the  hedge  line  at  the  front  of
                                                                                   the  property  is  another  recent  addi-
                                                                                   tion:  a  swamp  white  oak,  planted  in
                                                                                   the summer of 2019. Because of the
                                                                                   pitch of the property at this location,
                                                                                   water accumulates and does not drain
                                                                                   well, an issue that normally results in
                                                                                   rotting  root  systems  and  the  likely
                                                                                   loss of nearly any tree planted there.
                                                                                   Not  so  with  this  tree!  True  to  its
                                                                                   name,  the  swamp  white  oak  is  well
                                                                                   suited to moist environments, and we
                                                                                   expect it to thrive here. It will grow
                                                                                   to  50  or  60  feet  with  an  equivalent
                                                                                   spread. The tree boasts several unique
         Take in the beauty of this Camperdown Elm tree on your next walk around WAL.   characteristics,  including  lustrous
         Photo: Tom Curry                                                          dark  green  leaves  with  white  under-
                                                                                   sides,  rough  and  scaly  brownish-
        Have  you  noticed  that  WAL’s  land-  Until then, whet your appetite with a   black bark and brilliant yellow to rus-
        scape looks a little different lately? In   few fun facts about some of our old   set-red fall leaf color.
        addition to some of our favorite trees   and new favorites.
        here  since  the  1970s  —  such  as  the                                  White Oak
        Weeping  Blue  Atlas  Cedar  at  the   Not Just Any ’Ole Trees             Over  by  the  Outdoor  Pool  and  Vol-
        edge  of  the  Putting  Green  (a  speci-  Scarlet Oak                     leyball  Court  is  another  new  tree,  a
        men  rarely  seen  outside  of  botanical   Next  time  you’re  out  for  a  stroll,   white oak donated to the Association
        gardens) and the Weeping Cherry off   check  out  the  Scarlet  Oak  located   by the daughters of Georges Jacques.
        to  the  right  of  the  Market’s  loading   near  the  Basketball  Court.  The  tree   Georges  was  a  longtime  resident,
        dock — new trees have been planted   was  donated in  2016  by  residents in   Board  Member  and  legendary  WAL
        over  the  years.  In  fact,  there  have   memory  of  Dr.  Ludmila  Foster.   volunteer  who  took  special  pride  in
        been  so  many  additions  that  we’ve   Planting this tree was rather an amus-  Earth Day and in a Community Clean
                                                          ing  ordeal  for  our    -up in autumn. The white oak is quite
          Go  outside  and  enjoy  the                    WAL  volunteers  who     possibly  the  most  handsome  of  all
          views—at a safe distance!                       ended  up  calling  in  a   native  American  trees  and  a  worthy
                                                                                   addition to the inventory of remarka-
                                                          backhoe in order to dig
                                                          a  hole  large  enough  to   ble trees here at WAL.
        decided  it’s  time  to  update  the  Wa-  install the  tree! The  Scarlet  Oak  has
        tergate Book of Trees!               brilliant red foliage in the fall and can   Hug a Tree
                                             grow to 70 feet high with a potential   There  are  plenty  of  other  beautiful
        The  new  edition  of  Watergate  at   width of 40 to 50 feet.             trees to  admire  throughout  the  prop-
        Landmark Trees should be ready this                                        erty.  Be  sure  to  take  in  these  more
        summer.  Copies  will  be  available   American Yellowwood                 mature  specimens  on  your  walk.
        through  the  Landscape  Committee   In  between  the  Putting  Green  and   Many of them are located close to the
        and  the  Activities  Office.  All  pro-  Volleyball Court, you’ll see an Amer-  Community Center:
        ceeds will benefit the WAL Enhance-  ican Yellowwood, added to the com-    • Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar – locat-
        ment Fund, which provides additional   munity’s tree inventory in the fall of   ed  on  the  parking  lot  edge  of  the
        resources for discretionary projects.   2018  during  the  semi-annual  WAL   Putting Green. This remarkable tree

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