Page 62 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Classic 2022
P. 62

The Dead Stick

     There are a lot of ways to fish soft plastics. Each way can   in this manner, it is important to watch your line. Com-
     catch fish. In this article, we are going to be talking about   monly, you will see your line just start to move off.
     a method that requires a lot of patience but can also have
     big payoffs. For shallow water fishing, we frequently hear   A question that may come up is when or how would you
     about anglers using a Texas rigged or wacky rigged stick   know to use this technique. There are multiple answers to
     bait. I am here to tell you that there are other baits that can  that question. I will start with a question to answer it. Have
     be fished weightlessly or almost weightlessly that are just as  you ever made a cast and gotten a backlash and once you
     effective. The term weightless is pretty easy for an angler to  worked it out and started taking up slack, there was a fish
     picture. You simply do not add a weight onto your rig.    on your line? Have you ever been out fishing, and you just
                                                               can’t seem to get bit? If so, have you cast out and decided
     Let me explain my version of almost weightless. As you    to take a drink or take a nibble of a snack and look down
     might guess, the weight used is very small. For our pur-  and see your line moving off? In both cases, it is a good
     poses, it is anything from a 1/32 or maybe even a 1/16. You  indication that fish want the presentation to be very slow.
     may be wondering when and why would an angler choose
     to use a weightless or almost weightless presentation. One   One of the most common mistakes that anglers make is
     reason would be when bass are inactive. During this time,   fishing too fast. We live in such a “microwave” society
     what you want is a bait that has a much more natural fall.   where things are ready in just a few seconds, that we often
     The more natural the bait looks as it falls, the more entic-  apply that same hurry up mentality to fishing. Yes, I have
     ing it is to a bass. In addition to having the more natural   heard anglers say, “I’m looking for the most aggressive
     fall, this weightless or almost weightless presentation tends  fish”, or “I’m a power fisherman”, as they have the trolling
     not to get hung up in the vegetation or cover where you   motor set on high while casting and retrieving. That is all
     are fishing. One other item of note is that the weight of the   well and good if you are catching fish, but did you ever
     hook carries the worm to the bottom. The rule of thumb    stop and think that you might have been fishing over a
     is to use the least amount of weight possible for the condi-  number of quality, catchable bass simply because you are
     tions. There might be a little bit of wind, or you are fishing   fishing too fast.
     a little bit deeper. In these cases, that little bit of weight
     allows the bait to be presented as naturally as possible.  The best times to use “Dead Sticking” is when the fish are
                                                               inactive, and the fishing is really slow.  Bass are hard to
                                                               come by maybe when a faster presentation did not work.

     The term “Dead Stick” brings a chill up the spin of some
     anglers as this presentation requires a lot of patience. For
     those who may not know what the term means, let me
     explain. You cast your bait out and let it sink to the bottom
     and let it sit for a while. When you do move it, you again
     let it fall to the bottom and let it sit a while. When fishing

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