Page 25 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 25

Currently a junior in high school, I have had the wonderful opportunity to be a student at
            Quest for Education and Arts for four and a half years. In that time, Quest (and specifically Dr.
            Thai) has changed my entire outlook on schoolwork, science, and my future. Dr. Thai’s classes
            have shaped my love for science and my interest in the mechanics of God’s beautiful creation.
                   This past spring, I was honored to win the grand prize in the AHSEF (Arizona Homeschool
            Science and Engineering Fair) for my experiment of extracting lead from lead crystal (which would
            not have been possible without my wonderful introduction to Chemistry at Quest). From there,
            the support and mentorship at Quest encouraged me to participate in both SARSEF and AZSEF,
            receiving high rewards and scholarships at both events. It is truly through the assistance of Quest
            and the opportunity provided to participate in such a growing experience that I have formed and
            accomplished these ambitions.
                   Due to Quest and Dr. Thai, I am now considering studying a medical/scientific field in
            college. I always greatly look forward to all of my classes at Quest for Education and Arts and
            cannot wait to see what else God has in store for me through Quest.

                                                                                     -EMILY FARNSWORTH
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