Page 28 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 28

This year I took three classes at Quest: Organic Chemistry, Psychology and Shakespeare.
            I once heard it said by someone famous that in order to grow in knowledge you needed to
            surround yourself with people who are smarter than you so that you are challenged to grow and
            keep up.  Quest has always been that place for me.  No words will be able to describe how much
            I learn at Quest.  This may seem obvious enough, seeing that Quest is a teaching organization,
            but Quest provides so much more than what is expected of any ordinary teaching organization.
            The best thing about the classes at Quest is the class size, which allows room for lively
            discussions and experimentations to take place. The knowledge of the teachers is amazing, they
            not only excel in their fields, but can break the information down into understandable blocks.  They
            are always ready to help with assignments and answer questions, while at the same  time
            challenging you to think in new ways and grow as a student and person. The classes I have taken
            at Quest have deepened my love for learning, and especially for science.  I hope to enter a science
            research field one day. I know that no matter what field I enter, the skills I’ve learned through
            Quest will be put to good use.

                                                                                          -NICOLE TRAICOFF
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