Page 30 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 30

My name is Rose Giordano and I am 8 years old.   I have been attending Quest Classes for
            3 years. My first class in QUEST was Junior Science taught by Mrs. Clapero.   We did a lot of
            experiments and I loved it and it was really fun.
                   The next year I took Road Trip USA taught by Mrs. Clapero and Acro 1 taught by Mrs.
            Fisher.   I learned all of the President’s first names and last names.  I can still sing all of their
            names in order.   I learned how to do forward rolls and backward rolls and straddle rolls on the
            first day.   Mrs. Fisher always played my favorite Christian music.
                   This year I am taking Art, Junior Life Science, Decorating, Rhythmic Gymnastics and
            Science Fair Safari.   I love all of my classes and teachers.   I am doing a lot of homework and I
            like seeing the grades on Engrade.
                   I have done 2 Science Fairs so far.  I won a lot of awards and prizes and I can hardly wait
            to do another one.  This year I am experimenting with worms and the pH level of the soil they live
            in.  I want to use laundry water to water my worm garden, so I am testing to see if they will survive.
            I did one about Acids and Bases one year and Sow Bugs and calcium before that.  Becky Thai and
            Quest have always has been there, when I have questions.

            I love QUEST!

                                                                                       -ROSE GIORDANO
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