Page 35 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 35


                                                POSITION EST.  OCTOBER 2017
                                                SARA MOLINARI

                                                Sarah is an outstanding chef and great motivator.  This area
                                                is a large job and she is currently serving as to the faculty
                                                director for Fine Arts events.   This individual is responsible
                                                for coordination with the teachers who  have students
                                                participating in such things as Quest Connects, Fall Gala, and
                                                Fine Arts Festival as well as cooking for select events.

                                               FAMILY LIFE DIRECTOR

                                                POSITION EST. SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                GINGER MAGHRAN

                                                Ginger has served many years in the public school system as
                                                an advisor and counselor while walking in the Christian faith.
                                                The Family Life Director position was established to assist
                                                students and families with their educational and spiritual
                                                journeys.  This position involves academic counseling,
                                                referrals for spiritual counseling, leadership of student council,
                                                management of the MPR and snack bar, and oversight of new
                                                student orientation through student ambassadors.

                                                DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY

                                                POSITION EST. SEPTEMBER 2017
                                                LISA MELLADY

                                                Lisa has a passion for web design and has stunned all of us
                                                with how fast she does her work.  Even illness and surgery have

                                                not seemed to slow her down.  This position is responsible for
                                                development of a new website owned by Quest for education
                                                and arts which will be brought online during the 2018 – 2019
                                                school year, development of a new registration procedure
                                                online, development of informational software which will allow
                                                us to create accounts where  families can see what  classes
                                                each child is enrolled in, see how much they have donated over
                                                the course of the year, add and drop classes as needed, sign
                                                up for events, and purchase products.
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