Page 40 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 40



                   The growth of 2016 and 2017 required additional work to put the organization  in an
            excellent position to handle  additional growth.   The organization elected to  contract with
            Chadwick Munger and associates.   More than half of the work done for us was pro bono; for that
            we are eternally grateful to our legal advisors, Thomas Denker and Michael Woodruff.   Mr. Denker
            has been instrumental in securing our 501 C3 in past years and Mr. Woodruff has been involved
            in cases from coast to coast working on behalf of organizations such as the Salvation Army and
            others.   He has experience in a variety of  areas of nonprofit law and has even represented
            organizations at the supreme court level.
                   .   We have worked with council on organizational bylaws, restructuring, development of
            the governing board, policy, management and other details of running a nonprofit properly. We
            consider ourselves to be very blessed to be represented by two Christian gentlemen who have
            placed the best interests of Quest at the forefront of their work.
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