Page 39 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 39

Quest for Education and Arts

                        Development & Fundraising Annual Income Report

                                                                Fundraising        % of Income from
              Spring/Summer 2017          Total Income            Income              Fundraising

             January                    $                      14,992.00     $                         1,365.00    9%
             February                   $                      18,144.85     $                         6,855.18    38%
             March                      $                      18,358.00     $                         2,576.31    14%
             April                      $                      19,576.32     $                         4,275.41    22%
             May                        $                      19,742.25     $                         5,704.14    29%
             June                       $                        3,254.22       $                             607.00    19%
             July                       $                            509.21       $                                      -      0%
             Spring/Summer Total        $                      94,576.85     $                       20,776.04    22%

                                                                Fundraising        % of Income from
               Summer/Fall 2017           Total Income            Income              Fundraising

             August (Orientation)       $                        1,191.62     $                             522.00    44%
             September                  $                      18,367.06     $                         4,360.97    24%
             October                    $                      45,299.30     $                         5,171.31    11%
             November                    $                      36,619.70     $                       10,183.45    28%
             December                  $                      48,929.40     $                         3,685.05    8%

             Summer/Fall Total          $                    150,407.08     $                       23,922.78    16%
             Annual Total                $                    244,983.93         $                       44,698.82    38%

                                              2017 Annual Report

                                   Fundraising to Income Percentage

                                                $44,698.82   38%

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