Page 41 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 41


                   The growth of Quest for Education and Arts has entailed deep examination of every facet
            of organizational function.   A small ministry needs significantly different administration than one
            of this size; with hundreds of families involved, it has come time for expansion of leadership and
            changes in basic day to day operation. Areas most poignantly affected by such explosive growth
            have been dealt with, but the work is never done. More priorities have identified themselves and
            will continue to be primary objectives for Quest in the years to come.

            Those include:

               1.  Involving God in all decisions and activities.  This is foremost God’s organization.
               2.  Matching each child with an educational program that works for them.
               3.  Prioritizing small class sizes.
               4.  Maintaining the feel of a family atmosphere.
               5.  Establishing a financial position that is healthy and sustainable with updated budgeting
               6.  Offering excellent treatment and compensation to teachers and mentors in sufficient
                   quantity to retain their services.
               7.  Pursuing a location for a permanent home for Quest.

            Proposed methods of execution include:

               1)  Having daily prayer meetings. Anyone who would like to join in may do so.
               2)  Working with teachers and setting class minimums and maximums and enforcing those
                   boundaries by offering a second class at a different time if the class becomes too large.
               3)  Interviewing prospective new students and families to ensure they understand the nature
                   of Quest, how education is offered, and how parents must be involved for their student to
                   be successful.
               4)  Maintaining a family connections room for students and parents to play, study, and hold
                   Bible classes.   The goal will be to foster a community atmosphere between those who
                   are on campus each day through noontime prayer groups.
               5)  Asking families for pledges for each class so we can determine if we will have enough
                   revenue to run specific classes.   Those classes not meeting minimum enrollment
                   revenue requirements will not be offered during that school year.
               6)  Exploring the option of hiring professional fundraising services to reach the goal of
                   establishing our own home for Quest.
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