Page 36 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 36


                                                POSITION EST. JANUARY 2017
                                                ANGELICA EWING
                                               Angelica has a God given talent for details, documentation, and
                                               fundraising.  The development director assists in making sure
                                               Quest remains a viable entity available for all.   The primary goal
                                               of this director is to raise funding to meet the operating
                                               expenses of the organization and to help with its growth.    This
                                               is done through working with families on family accounts,
                                               advertising sales, and working with businesses to sponsor and
                                               promote Quest.   This year has seen a large increase in outside
                                               support due to the implementation of this position.

                                                DIRECTOR OF TREASURY

                                                POSITION EST.  2013
                                                BOB RIPPERDAN                                     s

                                                Bob is an expert at financial management and organization.
                                                The finance department and the treasurer position were
                                                created in 2013 to assist in making sure the investment of our
                                                families were used  efficiently and for the  Godly purposes
                                                intended.    This position is responsible for paying all bills, for
                                                managing  payments to vendors for their services, and for
                                                managing all documentation to do with finances.    The year
                                                2017 has seen an increase in policy development related to

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