Page 31 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 31

My name is Bethany Giordano and I have been attending Quest Classes since Quest was
            created.   I’ve taken Art, Science, Language, Math, and Praise Dance classes.  My teachers have
            taught all of the classes with a brilliant Christian perspective.
                   I am 13 this year and I am taking a writing class taught by Mrs.  Moody.  She teaches
            writing using US History based lessons and inspires us by giving us challenging assignments and
            instant grading.  I am also taking Teen Drawing with Mrs. Boone who is an extremely good teacher
            and artist, Introduction to Research and Design which is helping me with Science Fair preparation
            and Advanced Lyrical with Tanya Fisher.
                   Tanya Fisher is my dance teacher and mentor since I was 5.  I love her excellent teaching
            style and wonderful personality.
                   This year I have been asked to be a Teacher’s Assistant for 4 classes.  I help with Itty Bitty
            Life Science, Junior Life Science, Science Safari and Beginning Tap. The science classes I help
            with are taught by Lisa Giordano, who is am awesome, energetic, and very challenging teacher.
            I enjoy teaching and I have discovered I almost learn as much from being an assistant teacher as
            from being a student.  I love to dance so helping with the tap class which is taught by Tanya,
            brings me great joy.
                   I have also been doing Science Fair Projects since I was 5.  Quest and Becky Thai helped
            me learn exactly how to do a successful Science Fair Project.  At the last SARSEF science fair I
            went to I won 11 awards, including one from NASA. That summer I went to state where I won 1st
            place in my category, plus some other awards.  It is hard to know all of the rules and guidelines
            for correctly done Science Fair Projects and I don’t think I could have done so well without the
            help and guidance that Quest has given me.  I hope to pass that knowledge on to the other
            students at Quest that want to do a Science Fair Project.
                   There are so many classes and activities I want to attend next year. I love events Quest
            does like Science Fair, Winter Formal, Spirit Week, Ice Cream Socials and many more. They also
            have student council, which I hope to be in. I learn so much every week and I’m looking forward
            to a new year.

                                                                                 -BETHANY GIORDANO
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