Page 27 - 2017 Year End Summary
P. 27

Hello, I am Alexander Nelson.  I am fourteen years old and have been a part of Quest for
            Education and Arts since about 2008.   I have taken many classes here at Quest, and  the
            professionality of this non-profit organization  is unmatchable.   The classes offered and the
            teachers provided amount to such a well rounded educational institution; I have always been

                   One category of education Quest offers is their musical training.   Quest provides
            phenomenal music instructors who care about their students.  I am a violinist, and Quest has
            always promoted a positive environment for students to grow and excel.  My very favorite part of
            learning music at Quest is the private class length.  Many studios and schools may shorten their
            private lessons to an insufficient amount of time.  Quest, however, offers 45 minutes of one-on-
            one time with my teacher to practice and learn new facets of the instrument I am playing.  At the
            end of the year, Quest also offers an opportunity to present the skills I have learned through the
            year with a formal “Fine Arts Festival” performance.   I really  enjoy learning in this excellent

                   Thank you so much for all you do for Quest.  It impacts hundreds of students annually, and
            provides a distinguished educational program for students.

                                                                                 -ALEXANDER NELSON
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