Page 31 - Class Catalog 2017 Newest
P. 31

Roman Empire and finish   with late Gothic, going right up to and slightly after the invention of the printing press.

               Students will also learn to   draw decorations to accompany the written word: borders, simple decorations, motifs
               and colors; working up to   beginner knot work and carpet pages. The making of medieval manuscripts, how to

               create a composition, types of books and   materials used will also be discussed. Students will learn some
               common calligraphic styles for different areas of the Christian world and then learn how to decorate in   styles
               unique to that area.    Students should be comfortable with occasional note taking and with basic handwriting.

               Required text: Medieval Calligraphy by Marc Drogin   Teacher: Teresa Hemphill Recommended Donation: $15 per

               class session
               fourth, fifth, sixth, 4th, 5th, 6th
             	  •  Jr Calligraphy-  (geared towards middle school, grades 4-6) A combination history, handwriting and art class that

               introduces   students to the waning art of beautiful writing. The class will focus on the basics of how to use
               calligraphy pens to   create useful projects, like greeting cards, bookmarks, frame-able wall art, mini illuminated
               books, fancy envelopes and much more. Students will learn how to   manipulate the pens to create simple
               designs and borders as well as different scripts. Some   color work will be explored, as we learn to decorate by
               painting    plants, flowers, bugs,   birds and more in Brushwork-  an old pastime that requires no drawing skills.

               We'll combine everything   we've learned at the end of the year to create our own unique treasure maps.

               Requirements: Students must be comfortable writing   in print and and have some basic knowledge of cursive

               before taking   this course. Teacher: Teresa Hemphill Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class

               sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, adult, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, middle, high
             	  •  Illuminated   Bible Art (and Apologetics)-  (Geared middle school – adult) The class is run in conjunction with the

               Apologetics class taught by Pastor Dave Collins. Following the discussion   in the Apologetics class, students will
               learn a bit about traditional styles, methods and   techniques that Christians around the world have used in
               decorating their Bibles. From Syria and Ethiopia to Spain, France and Germany; from the Hebrew and Early
               Christian traditions to the Celtic and   Eastern European, students will be able to draw from a large treasure trove

               of cultural   artwork to create their own unique masterpieces to inspire them as they reflect on the Word for

               years to come.    Instructors: Teresa Hemphill Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class

                kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, elementary
             	  •  Jr Drawing-  (Kindergarten through preteen) A drawing class just for the younger set. Kids love to draw! Learn to

               draw what you see. Use your imagination while improving your drawing skills! Have fun drawing with lots of

               materials! Pencils, charcoal, pastels, oil pastels, colored pencils and   more! Teacher: Pam Boone Recommended

               Donation is   $12 per weekly class session
               seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, adult, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, middle, high
             	  •  Teen/Adult Drawing-  (for teens and adults) The best way to learn to draw or improve your skills is to draw, draw

               and draw some more. This class will encourage you     to exercise and stretch your ability. You will learn about
               tools and resources and how to use them. You   will learn how to SEE differently when you start to draw. While

               pencils are a common drawing tool, we   will also explore charcoal, ink, pastels and more possibilities. Come to
               the first class with a spiral bound drawing sketchbook (9x12 or 11x14). You   can use my tools in class and decide

               what tools you   want to purchase later. Teacher: Pam Boone Recommended Donation of $12 per weekly class
                seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, adult, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, middle, high
             	  •  Painting with Acrylics-  (ages 13 and up) This class will teach students ages 13+ to become confident painting
               with acrylics. Students will learn to create their own representational paintings from photographs. Subjects
               covered will include composition, color-mixing, perspective, and basic drawing skills. Beginners welcome!
               Slightly younger students may be allowed with teacher permission. Required Supplies: Each student will need

               their own set   of paint and brushes however Quest will purchase the supplies and student can, in turn, purchase

               what they need from us. This will help all the students to have the same materials.   Teacher: Della Chelpka
               Recommended Donation of $12   per weekly class session
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