Page 38 - Class Catalog 2017 Newest
P. 38

•  French Cooking En Famile- (8 -12  grades) While most people are familiar with the high art of French
               restaurant cooking, this class will focus on the largely unknown yet delectable world of the ordinary French table
               which is typical in every French home, including mine when I was growing up (and continue to do with my own
               family).  I will teach you how to plan and prepare family meals and share some of my favorite recipes which have
               been passed down from my french parents and grandparents. You will be surprised how easy, yet delicious and
               healthy, day-to-day French cooking can be.  You'll also learn the cultural history behind each recipe and why the
               French have so many courses! Bon Appétit!! No textbook needed.  French students will have priority in signing
               up for this class. Teacher: Christine Farnsworth Recommended Donation of $15 per weekly class session
            •  Philosophy- **May be offered in 2018-2019** In this course students will examine and assess many different
               philosophical theories, comparing and contrasting them as we apply their views to different philosophical
               questions. What is the world like? What is truth and how do we determine truth? Am I free to make my own
               decisions? What are ethics and how do they determine how I live? After a brief introduction to what philosophy
               is, what an argument is, and the importance of philosophy, students will examine the views of many famous
               philosophers and how theirs texts contribute to our intellectual heritage. Students will learn Logic- the art of
               thinking, reasoning and formulating an argument. Students will first engage in fun basics - analyzing children's
               literature for philosophical ideas before proceeding on to studying philosophers from ancient Greece(Socrates
               and Plato), to the present modern world.  Students will engage in weekly discussions, hands-on activities and
               simulations. Required Textbook: The Philosophy Book -(Big ideas simply explained), Will Buckingham and
               Douglas Burnham  Teacher: Ginger Maghran   Recommended Donation$12 per weekly class
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